F-15C 114 FS "Land of No Slack" 173 FW Kingsley Field ANGB Oregon Air National Guard Prints

from $49.50

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Near Crater Lake in southern Oregon, the 173 FW's 114 FS performs the duties of training new Active Duty and Air Nation Guard pilots as well as Air Defense Alert. After completing their transition sorties, leering the basics of flying the F-15, the first "tactical" sortie a student flies is offensive Basic Fighter Maneuvering... know everywhere as BFM-1.

79-0046 is a contemporary jet with the latest Aggressor Gray/Ocean Gray "dark" paint scheme in the universal BFM-1 configuration with everything cleaned off except a single AIM-9X CATM captive carry training round.

Any Fighter Studios print can be customized with different squadron marking, different store configurations, names on the nose or canopy rail. To get yours started, click Personalized Print for more information or click Email with questions.


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Images are reduced fidelity for copyright protection.

Near Crater Lake in southern Oregon, the 173 FW's 114 FS performs the duties of training new Active Duty and Air Nation Guard pilots as well as Air Defense Alert. After completing their transition sorties, leering the basics of flying the F-15, the first "tactical" sortie a student flies is offensive Basic Fighter Maneuvering... know everywhere as BFM-1.

79-0046 is a contemporary jet with the latest Aggressor Gray/Ocean Gray "dark" paint scheme in the universal BFM-1 configuration with everything cleaned off except a single AIM-9X CATM captive carry training round.

Any Fighter Studios print can be customized with different squadron marking, different store configurations, names on the nose or canopy rail. To get yours started, click Personalized Print for more information or click Email with questions.