F-15C Eagle 159 FS "Boxin Gators" 125 FW Jacksonville IAP Florida Air National Guard Print

from $49.50

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The 159 FS “Boxin’ Gators” provide air superiority and intercept defense of the continental US. Their Eagles are based in Northern Florida flying out of Jacksonville’s International Airport. The 125 FW has flow F-15’s since 1995 and swapped their F-15A’s for F-15C’s in 2006. They maintain an alert presence both at their home station as well as in Southern Florida at Homestead Air Reserve Base.

86-0148 displays the units blue lightning bolt flash on the tail as well as the blue “Florida” and “125 FW” stripes. She is shown ready for a Tactical Intercept sortie carrying a single AN/AAQ-33 Sniper 0Advanced Targeting Pod on station 5 as well as a pair of captive carry CATM-120’s AMRAAM’s on the outboard of station’s 2 and 8, plus a captive carry CATM-9X on station 2B and a TACTS data pod on station 8A.

Any Fighter Studios print can be customized with different squadron marking, different store configurations, names on the nose or canopy rail. To get yours started, click Personalized Print for more information or click Email with questions.



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The 159 FS “Boxin’ Gators” provide air superiority and intercept defense of the continental US. Their Eagles are based in Northern Florida flying out of Jacksonville’s International Airport. The 125 FW has flow F-15’s since 1995 and swapped their F-15A’s for F-15C’s in 2006. They maintain an alert presence both at their home station as well as in Southern Florida at Homestead Air Reserve Base.

86-0148 displays the units blue lightning bolt flash on the tail as well as the blue “Florida” and “125 FW” stripes. She is shown ready for a Tactical Intercept sortie carrying a single AN/AAQ-33 Sniper 0Advanced Targeting Pod on station 5 as well as a pair of captive carry CATM-120’s AMRAAM’s on the outboard of station’s 2 and 8, plus a captive carry CATM-9X on station 2B and a TACTS data pod on station 8A.

Any Fighter Studios print can be customized with different squadron marking, different store configurations, names on the nose or canopy rail. To get yours started, click Personalized Print for more information or click Email with questions.